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- 📈 1% Better Daily Checklist
📈 1% Better Daily Checklist
how to improve in all areas of life
Read on: onedayout.com
Read time: 5 minutes
Welcome to One Day Out, a weekly newsletter to help deepen your faith, enhance your health, and guide you in pursuing a purpose-filled life.
Opening Prayer
Lord, thank you for the opportunity to work for the glory of your name. I pray that you give me the energy I need to serve you in all that I do. Let my work be a blessing to you and to others. Strip away my pride and ego as I work daily to grow closer to you.
In Jesus’ name,
The 1% Better Daily Checklist
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training... Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
Imagine if, just 1% at a time, you could transform every area of your life—spiritually, financially, professionally, relationally, and physically. What if this small, daily commitment to growth added up to exponential change over time? The truth is, it does. By focusing on small, intentional actions each day, you build a foundation that turns big goals into reachable realities.
This 1% Better Daily Checklist can help you on that journey, offering practical, faith-centered steps to keep you moving forward in every area of your life, because lasting progress is built one small choice at a time.
How it works
While each person’s goals can differ, the framework can be applied to all. In each area, think about the one thing you can do daily to grow. I will share a few ideas as kickstarters:
Read your Bible for a set time each day
Choose a book of the Bible and read one chapter per day
Read a daily devotional like this one
Spend quiet time with the Lord in the morning/evening/both
Write down 3 things you’re grateful for that God has blessed you with in a journal
Physical Health
Get 10,000 steps
Drink 8 oz of water before having coffee
100 push-ups
1-mile run
Hit your protein intake goal
Hip mobility routine
My current checklist item is this 10-minute ankle mobility routine.
Make 10 sales calls to leads
Spend 30 minutes emailing potential clients
Dedicate 10 minutes to reading a relevant industry article
Write 1 thank you card to a current or past client
Spend 5 minutes before you start your work day planning daily objectives
I watch one YouTube video per day on how to improve my filming/storytelling skills to create higher-quality content.
Send a thoughtful text message to a friend or family member
Reach out to someone in your circle and ask how you can pray for them
Dedicate 15 minutes of undistracted time to your partner, family member, or roommate each evening whether that’s a phone call, facetime, or in-person chat
Message 1 person on LinkedIn to provide value and ask if they are open to connecting
I reach out to one person each day and ask them for any prayer requests they may have, and then immediately pray for it.
Spend 5 minutes each day logging your expenses or reviewing your budget
Dedicate 10 minutes each day to reading an article, book, or listening to a podcast that can improve your financial knowledge
I currently do something my friend introduced to me called the money-making initiative. I spent 5 minutes brain-dumping all of the ways I could potentially grow my business financially.
5-Minute Meal Inspo
This is about as basic as basic gets.
During the week I like to keep my meals consistent so I don’t have to think about what I am going to eat.
For lunch I eat an apple, some carrots (missing from pic), and 2 eggs + 1 ¼ cup of egg whites over a bed of spinach and arugula.
I have found that a high protein, low carb lunch that isn’t too heavy helps me avoid an afternoon crash.
If what you’re going to eat is taking up mental space, choose something you enjoy eating that doesn’t take long to whip up, and eat it daily (or, until you get tired of it!)
My lunch every day right now
Closing Prayer
Lord, thank you for giving me breath in my lungs. I pray that as I go out into the world today you help me put on Your full armor and speak, act, and live boldly in faith.
In Jesus’ name,
Know others who want to grow in their faith, optimize their health, and live a biblically sound life according to God’s word? Share this and let’s grow His Kingdom!
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