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- Stop Idolizing Your Health, Movement Snacking, and My Favorite Bible to Use
Stop Idolizing Your Health, Movement Snacking, and My Favorite Bible to Use
Plus, recipe of the week!
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Read time: 5 minutes
Welcome to One Day Out, a weekly newsletter to help deepen your faith, enhance your health, and guide you in pursuing a purpose-filled life.
Today’s Snapshot:
Are you making fitness your idol?
Movement snacking to improve mobility and avoid injury
The best Bible to use
High protein blueberry muffins?!
Opening Prayer
Lord, thank you for your unending love for me. You are my rock, my salvation, and the foundation upon which I build my life. Help me to be more Christ-like and submit everything I have and everything I am to you. Soften my heart, Lord, and lead me as I pursue righteousness and seek after your heart.
STOP Making Health & Fitness an Idol
Without realizing it, I made health and physical fitness an idol for much of my life.
That is, until I read this verse that Paul wrote to Timothy:
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for ALL things.
Pastor John MacArthur states that “bodily training is limited both in extent and duration; it affects only the physical body during this earthly life.”
We don’t take this body with us when we die.
While I believe God wants us to take care of our physical bodies as put in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, when health, fitness, or appearance are idolized, we fall into sin.
We must take care of the body the Lord has blessed us with to the best of our ability; however, I want to be clear on one thing:
Physical training is not as important as spiritual training.
Spiritual gains at the nook
It’s easy to look at social media and see all of the physical accomplishments of others, but what you don’t see is if they are training spiritually.
Now, we don’t want to place judgments on others, so we must prioritize glorifying God above all else.
Jesus says in Matthew 4:10 “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.”
Making time for our spiritual gains to take place is the most important thing we as believers must do. That includes:
Reading Scripture - Find time in your day (I prefer early in the morning) to study God’s word.
Prayer - I am praying continuously throughout my day (see 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). While I’m on a walk, in the car, doing a cold plunge, or eating a meal I give praise and thanks to The Father.
Bible study/small groups - Having other brothers and sisters to grow with is incredibly important.
I write this intending to encourage you all to assess what your current relationship looks like with physical and spiritual training.
If the latter isn’t receiving the time and intention it requires to grow, it’s time to build more spiritual discipline.
Let me be the first to say I am NOT perfect and I do not always practice spiritual discipline the way I should, but the Lord is good and convicts me when I need to put more time into growing spiritually.
Go get those spiritual gains.
Movement Snacking
Life is crazy, and finding time to work on mobility is difficult amongst the busyness.
Saying you’re going to spend 20 minutes per day doing mobility and stretching sounds good, but let’s be honest, that is probably unrealistic.
Rather than committing to something that isn’t sustainable, try movement snacking throughout your day.
Movement snacking is finding small moments throughout the day to sneak some mobility in.
That could look like this:
Sitting in a deep squat while waiting for the coffee to brew
Doing some 90/90 hip rotations when you have 3 minutes until your next meeting starts
Or doing a couch stretch while watching TV at night.
I have found that it is easier and a more sustainable approach to fit time for mobility into my day rather than carving out a specific time to do it.
Standing desk for the W.
Here is a REEL I made over a year ago explaining what movement snacking is.
Happy snacking, my friends!
The Bible I Use and Reccomend
This question of the week comes from Jon who asked which Bible I use.
It’s a simple question that I felt needed to be shared because this Bible has changed the game for me in growing in my faith and understanding the truth:
My travel partner
I use the ESV version, but there are several versions available.
If the Bible seems intimidating, as it did to me for a long time, this version comes from one of the most prominent Theologians of our time.
Dr. MacArthur breaks down each verse line by line and shares the TRUTH of God’s word.
Chances are you are like me and didn’t go to Seminary, so we are not meant to interpret Scripture ourselves.
In this version, Dr. MacArthur reveals and elaborates on what God is saying.
Some days I will only get through 3 or 4 verses and be engulfed in the explanation provided; which allows us to fully take it in and apply it vs. reading for the sake of reading.
Game changer.
Reply to THIS EMAIL with questions to be answered by me and a chance to be featured in next week’s newsletter!
High Protein Blueberry Muffins
The Upspace app is your one-stop-shop for all things health and wellness.
Workouts, recipes, routines, education, and more all in one place from your favorite creators!
This week’s Recipe of the Week comes from my friend Mallory Marks with this insane high-protein blueberry muffin recipe!
You can check this out + more of her recipes by downloading the Upspace app on the App Store and Google Play Store today!
Closing Prayer
Lord, thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for sending your Son to make the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have our sins wiped clear and have eternal life with You in Heaven. Help me use the gifts and attributes you have given me to share the gospel and be more Christ-like.
Know others who want to grow in their faith, optimize their health, and live a biblically sound life according to God’s word? Share this and let’s grow His Kingdom!
QUESTIONS OR THOUGHTS? Reply to this email!